"Leave Our Father Alone” - Festus Fadeyi’s Children Warn Toke Makinwa

 Children of Billionaire married man Festus Fadeyi, have warned celebrity broadcaster, Toke Makinwa to leave their father alone and go get herself a husband. Some of our celebrities show off like they have got it all together, whereas they are feasting on other people's happiness. According to The Capital, Toke has been hanging on a married man who spoils her with all the goodies she has been bragging with on social media. Read full story below

Even the most formidable nobility in the world transforms into a lady’s fool, when caught in the pleasure trove of love. You can tell what effect billionaire, Festus Fadeyi’s romance with OAP, Toke Makinwa, has on his family by his children’s unfathomable misery and bitter reaction to their relationship. Toke arouses despise from Fadeyi’s children.
That is why they desperately seek her exit from their father’s life. Like angry runts seeking to fall a veteran gladiator, Fadeyi’s children tirelessly engage in never-ending plots to extricate their dear father from the perceived web of Toke’s allure.
At first, their fears were deemed unfounded by family friends, close and distant relatives, but ever since their father completed his sprawling mansion in Ikoyi, the children have become very worried about the possibility of seeing Toke hop in the master bedroom with their father. Fadeyi’s children are very angry with the way he splurges on his love interest, Toke. They believe he is squandering too much money on her at a time he is heavily indebted to Skye Bank.

Recall that the well-heeled founder and CEO of Pan Ocean Corporation, an indigenous independent oil firm, acquired a multi-billion naira loan from Skye Bank. His indebtedness to the bank is estimated at N196 billion few months ago.

Notwithstanding, Fadeyi spends extravagantly on Toke. For instance, he allegedly bought her a brand new Range Rover 2016 model worth over N50 million. He is also responsible for her acquisition of top of the line and very expensive designer bags, shoes and apparels. From Louboutin, Bottega, Chanel, Louis Vuitton to Hermes among others, Fadeyi spoils Toke silly with the most pricey ware.

Thus the world’s most expensive designer brands are mere names on Toke’s list. The popular social media big girl considers Selfridges and Harrods as ordinary shopping points at the moment,. Whenever she visits London, United Kingdom (UK) via business class or first class flights paid for by Fadeyi, she spares no expenses at the city’s posh shopping points.

It is very interesting to note that Fadeyi foots such outrageous bills for Toke while he wallows in loan debt to his bank. What Fadeyi’s children find alarming however, is Toke’s continual neglect of her lover’s precarious financial situation.

Consequently, they have declared war against her, warning her to leave their father alone. Frightened by the undisguised animosity, Toke has resorted to extreme measures to avoid their wrath or unpalatable encounters with them. For instance, she now tries to steal around town incognito by covering her vehicle’s number plate with leather.

"Leave Our Father Alone” - Festus Fadeyi’s Children Warn Toke Makinwa   "Leave Our Father Alone” - Festus Fadeyi’s Children Warn Toke Makinwa  Reviewed by getitrightnigerians on 08:38:00 Rating: 5

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