5 Students Die in a riot at Federal Polytechnic Auchi

There was a serious riot at Federal Polytechnic Auchi, Edo State earlier today. According to some students of the school, the protest started when three students were allegedly shot dead by security officers. They were all protesting against the management for denying them access to write exams because of non-payment of school fees. In the process of the protest, five of them were shot while some were badly injured.

Others reacted by going on a rampage - destroying school properties, setting tyres and cars ablaze, blocking the school gates and roads. The police have also reportedly invaded the current Lt rowdy premises of the institution, spraying tear gas in the air to disperse the rioting students. The situation is seriously getting out of hand and concerned students are appealing to the government to quickly caution the Security Officers present at the scene of the riot, inorder to prevent further loss of life.


5 Students Die in a riot at Federal Polytechnic Auchi 5 Students Die in a riot at Federal Polytechnic Auchi Reviewed by getitrightnigerians on 19:38:00 Rating: 5


  1. May their souls rest in peace..

  2. Its beats my imagination to see things go haywire like this.its simple, if the students have not paid their school fee,why won't the school management allow them to write the exams and hold the results pending when they pay their school fee... Its just a common sense thing because they are fully aware that those students must surely pay those fee in order to get their results.

  3. Wow, this is a serious issue. Life seems not make any sense to some people. Why killing innocent souls. They are students for God's sake.


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